Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 29, 1918.djvu/24

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Report of the Brand Committee.

the exertions of Dr. E. S. Hartland a complete set of the Transactions of the Woolhope Club has been lent to the Committee and "slipped" by Miss Partridge and Mr. C. J. Billson. The return of the latter to active folklore work is a subject for much congratulation. Oral information also continues to come to hand, frequently prompted by perusal of the Classified Catalogue of Brand Material of which instalments are still appearing in Folk-Lore.

Lastly, a definite step in advance has been taken in the selection of sub-editors to deal with the several portions of the British Isles.

The following have consented to serve:

England—Miss Burne, Mr. Wright.

Wales—(not yet decided).

Scotland—Mrs. Banks.

Ireland—Miss Hull, Miss Moutray Read.

Man—(not yet decided).

The Channel Isles—Miss E. M. Carey.

The Days of the Week (treated as a separate section)—Lady Gomme.

(Signed) M. M. Banks.

A. R. Wright.

C. S. Burne, Hon. Sec.