Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 29, 1918.djvu/255

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Bitolj [Bitolj = Monastery in Macedonia), Sarajevka from Sarajevo (in Bosnia), Makedonka from Makedonija (Macedonia), Bosanka from Bosna (Bosnia), Srerncica from Srem (Sirmium), Vlahinja from Vlaska (Rumania), and so on, I thought some years ago that it might be that the names Trojanka and Trojanac are derived from tri (three) upon the rhythm of these dances. ^ I am not sure if my theory is correct or not, because I do not understand music ; it is merely a supposition.

It may be possible that the names are in connexion with Trojan (Roman Emperor), who is very popular in Serbian tradition.^

Be that as it may, I send some musical records of Trojanac.

TROJANAC. Noticed in West Serbia by V. R. Georgevitch.


Trojanau (obako sani pa ja zadepamio u Godgiri). ^r <tr : I ^2 3 :

"ir ^ ir \ ^ 2 3




' The Ethnographical Colleclion of the Ser/iian Royal Acadeiuv, vol. ix. Belgrad, 1907, p. 57,

'SceC. FizeSek, Geschichte iter Scrbeu, i. Golha, 191 1, pp. 57-58.