Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 29, 1918.djvu/80

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Catalogue of Brand Material.

Nuts eaten (Rhyme: "Crack nuts and cry Yule ! ")

(A) Feeding Animals.

Cattle better fed during Christmastide - - -

Hay instead of straw, Christ- mas morning - - -

Extra food, Christmas Eve -

Sheaf of unthrashed oats apiece, Christmas [Eve] midnight - - - -

Ditto, or Christmas morning

" Mell " (last sheaf in har- vest) given to best cow

" Neck " (last sheaf) given to master bullock, Christmas Eve - . - .

Sheaf put out for birds

Wheatsheaf hung outside church - - - -

Poultry had double feed

Plum-pudding given to horses, dog, and cat, before eating, for year's luck

" No Christian would turn a dog out at Christmas ' '


East Riding.



Lines., Devon (Hartland).

North Riding.

S. Yorksh., Cumbd.


Cornwall. E. Anglia.

Yorksh. (Ackworth). Cheshire (New Brighton), circa 1820-50.

Norfolk (Terrington St. John).


(i) I. Wassailing {i.e. Health-drinking).

I. Wassailing or " Worsling " Orchards ; (" apple-howl- ing " or " holloing "). By owner and household, Christmas Eve or Old Christmas Eve

By parishioners in procession By strolling bands of men,

during Christmastide Ditto, on New Year's Eve -

Ditto, on Old Twelfth Day

Herefdsh., W. Somerset,

Devon, Dorset. S. Devon, Cornwall ( 1 824) .

Devon, Somerset, Wilts. Surrey (Anstead Brook,

Haslemere), Sussex,

Kent. Somerset (Rowdon).