Page:Food and cookery for the sick and convalescent.djvu/115

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coffee pot should be covered to prevent escape of aroma. If there is no cap to coffee pot, stuff with soft paper or a piece of cheese cloth. The size of coffee pot should correspond with the quantity of coffee to be made, if the best results are to be secured.

To serve coffee: Put sugar in cup, add cream, and pour on coffee. The flavor is quite different and not satisfactory to the coffee drinker if the coffee is poured into the cup and the sugar and cream passed.

Black Coffee.

Follow recipe for Filtered Coffee I. or Boiled Coffee, using one-half the quantity of water. Serve without cream, and generally without sugar.

Cereal Coffee.

1 tablespoon cereal coffee.

1 cup boiling water.

1 tablespoon cold water.

Add coffee to water. Cover, and let boil from eight to ten minutes. Add cold water, and let stand two minutes to settle. Serve with cream and cut sugar.

Cocoa Shells.

⅓ cup cocoa shells.

2 cups boiling water.

Boil shells and water two hours. As water boils away it will be necessary to add more. Strain, and serve with an equal quantity of hot milk, and sugar.

Cracked Cocoa.

½ cup cracked cocoa.

2 quarts boiling water.

Boil cracked cocoa and water two hours. As water boils away it will be necessary to add more. Strain, and serve with milk or cream, and sugar.