Page:Food and cookery for the sick and convalescent.djvu/132

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soft crust is desired, cover with a towel. Avoid putting in bread box until thoroughly cooled, as it keeps better, and is less liable to become mouldy. Never wrap bread in a cloth, as the cloth will absorb moisture and transmit an unpleasant taste to the bread.

Pulled Bread.

Make Water Bread in long loaves, so that the grain of the bread extends the entire length of the loaf. Remove crusts while bread is warm, and pull bread apart in stick-shape pieces of uniform size. Put sticks in pan and bake in a slow oven until thoroughly dried and delicately browned.

Milk and Water Bread.

  • 1 cup scalded milk.
  • 1 cup boiling water.
  • 1½ tablespoons butter.
  • 1 tablespoon sugar.
  • 1¼ teaspoons salt.
  • 1 yeast cake dissolved in ¼ cup lukewarm water.
  • 6 cups flour.

Make and bake same as Water Bread.

Entire Wheat Bread I.

  • 1 cup scalded milk.
  • 1 cup boiling water.
  • 1½ tablespoons butter.
  • 1¼ teaspoons salt.
  • 1 yeast cake dissolved in ¼ cup lukewarm water.
  • 1 cup white flour.
  • Entire Wheat flour (enough to knead).
  • 3 tablespoons molasses.

Make same as Water Bread, adding molasses after the first rising.

Entire Wheat Bread II.

  • 2 cups scalded milk.
  • 1 teaspoon salt.
  • 1 yeast cake dissolved in ¼ cup lukewarm water.
  • 3¼ cups Entire Wheat flour (coarse).
  • 2¾ cups white flour.
  • ¼ cup sugar or ⅓ cup molasses.

Add sugar and salt to milk; when lukewarm add dissolved yeast cake and flour. Toss on a floured cloth.