Page:Food and cookery for the sick and convalescent.djvu/196

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Creamed Sweetbread.

Parboil sweetbread and cut in one-half inch cubes. To one-third cup cubes add one-fourth cup White Sauce made as follows:

Melt one-half tablespoon butter, add three-fourths tablespoon flour, and pour on gradually, while stirring constantly, one-fourth cup milk. Season with salt and few grains pepper. Serve in Croustades of Bread (see p. 99).

Glazed Sweetbread.

Parboil one-half sweetbread, preferably the heart sweetbread. Place in individual baking-dish, and sprinkle with salt. Dissolve one teaspoon beef extract in one and one-half tablespoons boiling water. Pour one-third mixture over sweetbread, put in hot oven and bake until well glazed, basting three times with remaining mixture. Serve with a border of peas.

Jellied Sweetbread.

Parboil one-half sweetbread and cut in small dice. Have at one hand one-third cup consommé that will jell when cold. Cover bottom of an individual mould with consommé, set mould in pan of ice water, and when consommé is firm, decorate with cold cooked potato, carrot, and truffle cut in fancy shapes. Cover with consommé, and when firm put in layer of sweetbread and enough consommé to hold cubes together. Decorate sides of mould with cooked vegetables and add more sweetbread and consommé. Chill, remove from mould, and place on lettuce leaf.

Chicken stock may be used in place of consommé by adding gelatin to stiffen.

Broiled Ham I.

Remove outside layer of fat from small piece of ham, cut one-third inch thick, and soak one-half hour in lukewarm water; drain, wipe, and broil three minutes.