Page:Food and cookery for the sick and convalescent.djvu/365

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Vinegar, being oxidized in the body, is allowed, and there seems to be no reason why lemon juice may not be taken, although it has been thought harmful by many. Alcohol in any form should be avoided. Exception must be made to Kefir and Koumiss, which are allowed in moderation, as they contain so small a quantity. Tea and coffee are forbidden on account of their action on the heart. The use of tobacco is avoided for the same reason.

A Day's Ration in Acute Case.

Milk 1500 grammes. Cream 375 " Rice 50 " Zwieback 50 " Butter 50 " Sugar 20 "


It is frequently the case that the illy nourished fall victims to phthisis, and the danger is increased if one has inherited tendencies to the disease. Statistics show that the death rate from phthisis is alarmingly large, and it might be materially lessened, and in a few years eradicated, if the strictest attention was paid to the burning of all sputum.

On account of the great destruction of tissues in the consumptive, there should be given a generous supply of tissue-forming foods. The rations should be of such a character that they may be easily digested, and they should be given at regular, frequent intervals. Besides breakfast, dinner, and supper, there should be a luncheon in the morning, another in the afternoon, and still another before retiring.

Hygienic surroundings and an ample supply of fresh air play as important a part in the treatment as the food supply. The good results obtained at the various sanita-