Page:Food and cookery for the sick and convalescent.djvu/372

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Collagen, of skin and tendons, 2; 134.

Colorado, 262.

Combustion, 1; heat of, 8; process of, 20.

Condiments, 1; allowed in diabetic diet, 220; not allowed in diet for Bright's Disease, 260.

Constipation, 25; usual cause of, 246; effect of diet upon, 246.

Consumption, dietetic treatment of, 261-262.

Contraction, Peristaltic Muscular, 17.

Convalescents, the, tables showing composition of fish allowed for, 126.

Cookery, defined, 41; more attention being paid to subject of, 42; should form part of every woman's education, 42; how to obtain best results in, 42; plays very important part in digestion of foods, 246.

Cooking, Good, importance of, 15, 18.

Corn, Green, 152,

Corn Meal, calorie value of, 10; 89; composition of, 150; how to cook, 102.

Corn Starch, calorie value of, 10.

Cows, most satisfactory breeds of, 27.

Cow's Milk (see Milk, Cow's).

Cracker Gruel, acts as an astringent, 82.

Crackers, Boston, calorie value of, 9.

——— Graham, calorie value of, 9; time required for digesting, 15.

Cranberries, composition of, 203.

Cream, 4; calorie value of, 9; an expensive form of fat, 52; for the diabetic, 219.

——— Centrifugal, 52.

——— Gravity, 52.

Cream of Tartar, 88.

Cream Soups, food value of, 118.

Creams, chemistry of freezing, 197; how to freeze, 197.

Creatin, 83.

Creatinin, 83.

Cucumbers, 152.

Currants, 62.

Cut, how to, 43.

Dates, high food value of, 34; composition of, 203.

Depression, Mental, 67.

Desserts, Frozen (see Frozen Desserts).

Dextrose (see also Grape Sugar), 4, 16.

Diabetes, 60; defined, 217; three stages of, 217; essentially a dietetic disease, 217; in childhood, 217: in adults, 217; diet for, 217-222: necessity of the open air, 222; frequent feeding desirable for, 222.

Diabetes mellitus, 217.

Diabetic Breads, 221.

Diabetic Diet, a, essentials of, 218; proteids in, 218; fats in, 219; vegetables allowed in, 219; fruits, 220; condiments, 220; alcohol. 220; beverages, 220; in detail, 222.

Diabetic Flours, table showing composition of, 221.

Diabetic Milk, Williamson's, 222.

Diarrhoea, 25, 06, 57. 00. 205: defined, 247; diet in cases of, 247.

Diet, importance of, vii; in various diseases, viii: result of abuse of, 11; what kind necessary to preserve normal condition, 14; disease largely due to errors in, 19; average, 217; in diabetes, 218 ; proteids in, 218: in cases of constipation, 246; in diarrhoea, 247; in indigestion, 248; in hyper-acidity of the stomach, 248; in ulcer of the stomach, 250; in gastritis, 250; in dilated stomach, 251; a fattening, 253; for obesity, 255; for typhoid fever, 257; for rheumatism, 358; for Bright's Disease, 259; for consumption, 261.

"Dietarv Computer," the, Mrs. Ellen H. Richards', 11.

Digestion, defined, 12: cases of impaired, 15; principally takes place in the small intestine, 16: temperature of food has marked influence upon, 38.

Digestive Habits, danger of becoming addicted to, 14.