Page:Food and cookery for the sick and convalescent.djvu/52

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How to syphon Milk.

1. Place jar several inches above graduating glass into which milk is to be drawn.

2. Put thumb over end of syphon having the shorter arm.

3. Pill syphon with cold water.

4. Introduce long arm of syphon into jar of milk, having syphon touch bottom of jar.

5. Hold graduating glass directly under short arm of syphon, withdraw thumb, and water will flow from syphon, then milk.

Formula for Modified Cow's Milk, closely corresponding

to Human Milk.

Top milk (10% fat) 8 oz.

Boiled water 11 oz.

Lime-water 1 oz.

Sugar of milk 2½ tablespoons.

This amount is sufficient for ten feedings, allowing two ounces for a feeding. As soon as modified, it should be put in ten sterile nursing-bottles, each being plugged with absorbent cotton, and kept in a cold place until needed, then heated by plunging bottle in cold water and allowing the water to heat, gradually, until the milk is luke warm, about 98° F.

In the home modification of milk, the sugar of the milk (lactose) should be dissolved in boiling water before being added to the remaining ingredients.

Bottles and nipples for infant feeding should be of the simplest construction, that, easily, they may be kept perfectly clean. As soon as baby has finished nursing, the nipple should be removed from bottle, and nipple and bottle thoroughly washed, then the bottle filled with water and the nipple immersed in water. Both should be made sterile each morning, when the number of feedings for twenty-four hours is prepared. The nipples should be allowed to remain in boiling water five minutes, and then immersed in cold water, to stand until needed.