Page:Food and cookery for the sick and convalescent.djvu/88

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1. It contains the five food principles.
2. It is inexpensive.
3. It is easily procured, measured, and taken.
4. It agrees with most people.
5. It does not overtax the digestive system.
6. It is a non-irritant.
7. It may be modified.
8. It may be combined with other foods.
9. It is deficient in uric acid derivatives.

Objections to a strictly Milk Diet.

1. Its bulk.
2. Danger of insufficient nourishment.
3. Taste disliked.
4. It causes nausea (probably due to fat).
5. Forms dense clots.
6. Causes constipation (overcome by magnesia).
7. Increases acidity of urine.
8. Micro-organisms introduced.
9. Causes fur-coated tongue.

To the casual observer the disadvantages might seem to more than counterbalance the advantages. This is not the case, however, as the disadvantages in most cases may be easily overcome.

When whole milk does not agree with a patient, skim milk, or cream diluted with water, may often be employed successfully.

Adapting for the Sick.

1. Altering taste.

By heating, adding salt, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, tea, coffee, chocolate, lime-water, seltzer water, Apollinaris, beef extract, brandy, whiskey, rum, or sherry.