Page:Food and cookery for the sick and convalescent.djvu/98

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infusion, and the longer it stands, the more tannic acid is drawn out.

Tea drinkers require less food than those not addicted to its use, as it has been proved that there is less wear to the tissues when it is frequently indulged in. This accounts for the large quantity drunk by the poor. It would appear from its immediate stimulating and satisfying effects that it had a food value; but when it is constantly used to take the place of food, sooner or later evil effects are apparent, and the victim, if attacked by disease, finds that the system offers little resistance. The harmful effects are due, principally, to the tannic acid and oil, as thein stimulates rather than retards gastric digestion.

Tea is stimulating, refreshing, and often relieves bodily fatigue and headache. It has a slight influence in regulating circulation and temperature. It is one of the most cooling drinks in summer and warming drinks in winter. On an empty stomach it acts as a diuretic. Excessive tea drinkers are apt to become nervous, to suffer from insomnia and mental depression. The habit must be closely guarded, for the habitual, excessive tea drinker often becomes a nervous wreck.

To the aged it is "The cup that cheers." It certainly proves a useful stimulant as the functional activities of the stomach become weakened. It never should be given to children, and would better be avoided by the young.


Coffee is the seed of the berry of the evergreen tree Caffœa Arabica, which yields, annually, three harvests. Each berry contains two seeds enclosed in a husk. Exception must be made to the male berry, which contains but one seed.

Coffee was formerly cured by being dried in the sun, but owing to the warm climate and frequent rainfalls in the countries in which it is grown, slow artificial heat is preferable, and is imported to be cleaned, sized, roasted,