Page:Foods and their adulteration; origin, manufacture, and composition of food products; description of common adulterations, food standards, and national food laws and regulations (IA foodstheiradulte02wile).pdf/662

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Fat products, inedible, 70
  test for adulteration, 51

Fennel, 324

Ferments, spontaneous, 250

Fiber, 9

Figs, 349
  caprification, 350
  composition, 349
  Smyrna, 349

Filberts, 418

Fish, average composition, 151
  canning, 152
  classification, 117, 118
    by composition, 120, 121
  cold storage, 151
  drying and salting, 152
  edible portion, 119
  eggs, composition, 146
  food value, 153
  marketing, 151
  oils, 165
  principal constituents, 119
  products, adulteration, 152

Flavoring extracts, 326

Flavors, artificial, 380

Flesh, edible, 11

Flounder, summer, 127

Flour, 242
  adulterations, 247
  age, 248
  bleaching, 247
  commercial value, 244
  composition, 245
  special names, 243
  standards, 248
  substitutes, 248
  varieties, 242

Fluorids in fish, 151

Foods, classification, 2, 7
  composition, 6
  condimental, 8
  social functions, 5

Fowls, slaughtering, 111

Fresh meat, adulteration of canned, 57
  delivery to consumers, 21
  preservation, 23

Fruit, brandied, 385
  butter, 385
  definition, 326
  selection, 375
  sirups, 373
    adulteration, 374
    composition, 373
    imitation, 374

Fruits, acid content, 369
  adulteration of canned, 372
  canned, 370
  characteristics, 327
  composition of ash, 376
  crystallized, 483
  nutritive uses, 328
  sugar content, 369

Fungi, food value, 454


Garlic, 282

Geese, feeding, 106

Gelatine, 90
  adulteration, 91
  preparation, 90
  raw materials, 90, 91

Gervais cheese, 208

Ginger, 324

Glucose, 479
  harmful constituents, 485
  used in honey, 493

Gluten, 241
  flour, 244
  separation, 245
  testing, 246, 247

Goggle-eye, 135

Goose, 105
  composition, 108
  varieties, 106

Gooseberry, 342

Gorgonzola cheese, 211

Gourds, 282

Grape fruit, 351
  composition, 351

Grapes, 337
  composition, 338

Graylings, 128

Graham flour, 243

Green turtle, 157
  soup, 79

Gruyère cheese, 210

Guava, 352
  composition, 352
  preserves, 352


Halibut, 128

Ham and bacon, adulteration of canned, 50
  canned, 48
  composition of canned, 48

Hake, 128

Halphen test, 65

Hazelnut, 419
  oil, 401

Herring, 129

Hicaco, 352

Hickory-nut, 419

Hogfish, 130

Honey, adulteration, 493
  ash, 492
  cane sugar adulterant, 494
  comb, 489
  dextrose and levulose, 492
  distribution of industry, 489
  extracted, 490
  glucose, 493
  historical, 486
  hives, 488
  invert sugar content, 494
  polarization, 491
  preparation, 487