Page:Foods and their adulteration; origin, manufacture, and composition of food products; description of common adulterations, food standards, and national food laws and regulations (IA foodstheiradulte02wile).pdf/663

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Honey, properties, 491
  strained, 491
  sucrose content, 492
  water content, 491

Horse mackerel, 130
  meat, canned, 57
    composition, 58
    detection, 58

Horse-radish, 283

Huckleberry, 342


Incubator, 96, 97

Indian corn, 222
  acreage and yield, 222
  adulteration of canned, 310
  canned, 308
  comparative digestibility, 257
  composition of canned, 309
  extent of canning industry, 309
  starch, 229
  varieties, 223

Infants' foods, 497
  composition, 499, 500
  solid, 498

Inspection, 13

Intestines of hogs, disposition, 69

Introduction, 1

Invalids' foods, 497, 498


Jams, 375, 376
  adulteration, 378, 379
  composition, 377, 378
  compound, 383

Jellies, 375, 379
  adulteration, 380
  coloring, 380
  composition, 380, 381
  compound, 383
  manufacture, 381
  preservatives, 382

Jerusalem artichoke, 283


Kale, 283

Kedzie, farinometer, 246

Kephir, 179

Ketchup, colors, 317
  refuse material, 317
  tomato, 316

Kettle-rendered lard, 68

Kidney bean, 276

Koumiss, 179

Kumquat, 353


Lake herring, 130

Lamb chops, 22

Lamb, commercial cuts, 19

Lard, 63
  adulteration, 65
  chemical properties, 75
  color reaction, 73
  commercial classification, 68
  composition, 64
  crystals, 67
  detection of adulterations, 65
  leaf, 64
  melting point, 73
  names of kinds, 64
  oil, 94
    adulteration, 94
  properties, 94
  parts of fat used for making, 63
  physical properties, 73
  properties, 75
    of adulterated, 76
  rendering, 71, 72
  rise of temperature, 73, 74
  steam, 64
  stearin, 71
  summary, 76, 77

Leaf lard, 68

Leek, 284

Lemons, 353

Lethal dose, 39, 40

Lettuce, 284

Limburger cheese, 208
  composition, 209

Lime, 354
  juice, adulteration, 354

Loaves, size, 259
  texture, 259

Lobster, 155
  canned, 156


Macaroni, 260
  composition, 260, 263
  domestic, 260
  manufacture, 263

Mace, 324

Mackerel, 131

Maize, 222, 223
  composition, 223
  early varieties, 227
  flour, 230, 231
  proteins, 227
  variation, 227

Mamey Colorado, 354
  de Santo Domingo, 355

Mango, 356

Maple sirup, 472
    ash, 473
    composition, 473
  sugar, 467, 469

Maranon, 348

Marjoram, 325

Marmalade, 382

Meat broth, composition of ash, 86