Page:Foods and their adulteration; origin, manufacture, and composition of food products; description of common adulterations, food standards, and national food laws and regulations (IA foodstheiradulte02wile).pdf/667

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    composition, 301, 302
    cultivation, 300
    yield, 301

Sweet-sop, 344


Tamarind, 366
  composition, 367

Tannin, 334

Tapioca, 320
  adulteration, 321

Tautog, 147

Terrapin, 157

Tetanus germs, 91, 92

Thyme, 326

Tilefish, 147

Tinning, 42

Toadstools, 434

Tomatoes, adulteration of canned, 315
  canned, 314
  composition of canned, 315

Tongue, adulteration of canned, 50
  canned, 50

Treacle, 481

Tropical fruits, ash, 367

Trout, 147

Truffles, 450
  adulteration, 453
  cultivation, 451
  geographic distribution, 451
  harvesting, 451, 452
  properties, 453
  varieties, 451

Tuberculosis, 13

Turbot, 149

Turkey, 107
  adulteration of potted, 102
  composition, 108

Turnip, 304


Veal, commercial cuts, 18

Vegetable, definition, 272
  oils, edible, 393

Vegetables, canned, 305
  succulent, 274
  value, 273

Vegetarianism, 93


Wall-eyed pike, 134

Walnuts, 426
  English, 427
  white, 427

Watermelon, 284, 285

Weakfish, 149

Weight, relative of canned and fresh meat, 48

Wheat, 239
  acreage and yield, 240
  comparative digestibility, 257
  composition, 240
  products, 242
  standards, 241
  starch, 241

Whey, 179
  composition, 179

Whitefish, 150

White grease, 70


Xanthin bases, 90


Yam, 304

Yeast, 250

Yellow grease, 71