Page:For remembrance, soldier poets who have fallen in the war, Adcock, 1920.djvu/367

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John Farrel

grievous errors, he can find it in his heart to add:

But praise to you and more than praise
And thankfulness for some things done,
And blessedness and length of days
As long as earth shall last, or sun!
You first among the peoples spoke
Sharp words and angry questionings
Which burst the bonds and shed the yoke
That made your men the slaves of kings!

You set and showed the whole world's school
The lesson it shall surely read,
That each one ruled has right to rule—
The alphabet of Freedom's creed,
Which slowly wins its proselytes
And makes uneasy many a throne:
You taught them all to prate of Rights
In language growing like your own.

And now your holiest and best
And wisest dream of such a tie
As, holding hearts from East to West,
Shall strengthen while the years go by;
And of a time when every man
For every fellow-man will do
His kindliest, working by the plan
God set him. May the dream come true!

And greater dreams! O Englishmen,
Be sure the safest time of all
For even the mightiest State is when

Not even the least desires its fall!