Index:For remembrance, soldier poets who have fallen in the war, Adcock, 1920.djvu

Title For remembrance: soldier poets who have fallen in the war
Author Arthur St. John Adcock
Year 1920
Publisher Hodder and Stoughton
Location London
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Images at Commons


Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X

List of Portraits

Sub-Lieut. Rupert Brooke, R.N.V.R. Frontispiece
Captain Brian Brooke, 2nd Gordon Highlanders 16
Captain the Hon. Julian Grenfell, D.S.O., Royal Dragoons 32
Lieut. W. Noel Hodgson, M.C, 9th Devon Regt. 40
Lance-Corporal Francis Ledwidge, Inniskilling Fusiliers 48
Captain the Hon. Colwyn Erasmus Arnold Philipps, Royal Horse Guards 60
Lieut, the Hon. E. Wyndham Tennant, Grenadier Guards 64
Lieut. Robert Sterling, Royal Scots Fusiliers 72
2nd Lieut. Harold Parry, 17th King's Royal Rifles 80
Captain George Upton Robins, East Yorks Regt. 88
Lieut. Edward Thomas, Royal Garrison Artillery 96
Lieut. Bernard Pitt, Border Regt. 112
2nd Lieut. Hugh Reginald Freston, 3rd Royal Berks Regt. 144
Acting-Captain Charles J. B. Masefield, M.C., 5th North Staffs Regt. 152
Lieut. Ewart Alan Mackintosh, M.C., Seaforth Highlanders 160
Sergt. Leslie Coulson, London Batt. Royal Fusiliers 176
Sergt. J. W. Streets, 13th Yorks and Lancaster Regt. 192
Captain Eric Fitzwater Wilkinson, M.C. West Yorks Regt. 200
Captain Charles Hamilton Sorley, Suffolk Regt. 208
Corporal Alexander Robertson, 12th Yorks and Lancaster Regt. 216
Lieut. Arthur Lewis Jenkins, R.F.C. 224
Captain Richard Dennys, Loyal North Lancs. Regt. 240
Captain Eugene Crombie, 4th Gordon Highlanders 256
2nd Lieut. Francis St. Vincent Morris, Sherwood Foresters 272
Lieut. T. M. Kettle, Dublin Fusiliers 280
Lieut. R. E. Vernède, Rifle Brigade 288