Page:For remembrance, soldier poets who have fallen in the war, Adcock, 1920.djvu/50

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For Remembrance

already a distinguished critic and essayist; Hugh Reginald Freston was at Oxford reading for his B.A. degree; John William Streets was a Derbyshire miner, striving for self-culture and writing verse in his leisure; while the Hon. Julian Grenfell and his brother, the Hon. Gerald, the Hon. E. Wyndham Tennant, the Hon. Robert Palmer (brother of Viscount Wolmer), Ivar Campbell, grandson of the eighth Duke of Argyll, and the Hon. Colwyn Philipps, born and bred in far other circumstances, were as ready to sacrifice all that was theirs in the common cause. Leslie Coulson was a brilliant young London journalist; Charles Hamilton Sorley was fresh from Marlborough; R. E. Vernède was a successful novelist; Nicholas Todd and Bernard Pitt were schoolmasters; Clifford Flower a clerk to an iron and steel manufacturer; Alexander Robertson a lecturer on history at Sheffield University; Arthur Scott Craven had made a reputation as an actor in London and America, had published a play, two volumes of verse, and a novel of considerable