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( 5 )

He gave me fifty guineas;
to pay the nourice-fee.
And I have made a promise;
if he comes here awa';
That we will have some pleasant sport
among the pease-straw.

But when nine months were past and gone;
this fair maid had a son;
And at the jovial gossopping
there was both mirth and fun;
And when the child baptized was;
they ca'd him Davie Faa';
That pretty boy that night was got
among the pease-straw.

Then according to his promise;
he sent three hundred pound;
Unto the farmers daughter;
for to bring up her son;
And when the child to age is come;
I'll give him as much more;
On remembrance of that jovial night;
the barring of the door.

If any will this damsel wed;
I‘ll give them a farm free;
Ewes and lambs; harrows and ploughs;
fitting for husbandrie;
Besides a handsome portion
of gold and white money;