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[ 6 ]

Althouglh she lost her maiden-head;
O what the war is she.

I think I hear the damsels wed;
to a farmers son near by;
And when the Farmer wants a hand;
the Tinker does supply;
All for to please this comely maid;
as I have done before;
And now I'll end my merry song;
the barring of the door.


GIVE my service to my jewel;
that lives at Conghannan-mill;
Tell her if she marries another;
it will be sore against my will.


Sireno erah agum ; sireno stumorrow;

Sireno erah agum ; sireno stumorrow;
Yonder stands a pretty creature;
and her skins as white as snow;
I will court her for her favour;
let her answer ay or no.

As I was sitting in an ale-house;
of my liquor I was free;
I heard a story of my jewel;
which I am sure it grieved me. Sireno &c
For listen ; listen and I’ll tell you;
how this maiden play’d her part;