Page:Frank Owen - Rare Earth, 1931.djvu/106

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Rare Earth

is as well for the United States that you never went in for politics because undoubtedly you'd get to be president. And that would be very annoying and embarrassing. A Chinese president, you know, would never do." He paused for a moment, then he went on seriously, "I don't know where you get your power but you've actually managed to get me back again out of the deepest pit of despair. Last night I felt as though I did not wish to live. I wanted to race on and on into the wind, into forgetfulness, into oblivion, into death. And now I am actually joking with you. How account for this veering of mood? You are a queer old fellow, Hung Long Tom, and it's fortunate for me that you are. I think I'd rather like to go with you to China, to visit all the preposterous towns you told me about in my childhood. Pao Chan where lived the Yellow Nose Cat with green eyes. Foochow where the West Wind often went to spend its summers. Hongkong where for centuries they have been manufacturing beautiful hongs but are still

trying unsuccessfully to make kongs. And I'd
