Page:Frank Owen - Rare Earth, 1931.djvu/107

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Rare Earth

like to view that funny lake so intriguingly told about in the rhyme:

'Once twenty coolies went to swim
And also twenty kings.
A playful wizard mixed their things
And made the coolies into kings.
The clothing fitted all so well,
Alas! thereafter none could tell
The coolies from the kings?'

Yes, a trip to China would be, I am sure, helpful to me. Perhaps while I am gone Dallis may cease to worry about me. It'd tear me all to pieces if she fell in love with some other fellow but for her own sake I wish she would. I owe it to her to go away for awhile. Besides it would be very interesting to visit your country. I'd like to find out at first hand whether you are so charming a chap as you have led

me to believe."
