hand. Though his script was far from artistic, it brought him close to her.
"Here have I seen shades and flowers, water and grass.
Now all is quiet.
Yang Kuei-fei was very happy, doubly happy when one day a courier arrived who insisted on seeing her.
Kao Li-shih warned her not to give audience to this stranger who refused to divulge his purpose in coming to the Palace. But Yang Kuei-fei was curious and gave orders that he be admitted.
When the courier entered her presence, he bowed low and touched his forehead to the ground.
"Most Gracious Empress," he whispered, "I come from An Lu-shan."
"I am not an Empress," she told him.
"To An Lu-shan you will always be an Empress," he explained. "His Empress. That is why I bring you his sword, so that you may know that despite anything that may happen, some day he will come back for it—and you. Guard it well."
Her heart pounded so terrifically, she thought that it must echo through the Palace like a drum. What could this message mean? It was ominously exciting. It was madness, dangerous, but she admired the bold message. Then her better judgment reasserted itself. She flung the sword from her as though it were tipped
with poison. Then she snatched it up again and hugged