it to her breast. Her mind was in chaos, her world in eruption. Fear and desire fought with loyalty. Should she tell the Emperor? She decided against it. He would be angered and send an executioner to dispatch so scurrilous a life. What matter that An Lu-shan was his son?
Kao Li-shih had heard everything. He risked his high office by coming forward. "What have you there?" he asked sternly.
Her thoughts were too confused for her to be amazed at his effrontery.
"The sword of An Lu-shan," she whispered. "He bids me keep it till he returns for it."
Kao Li-shih's voice was hoarse as he said, "An Lu-shan is a traitor! If you love China plunge that sword into his heart when he comes for it."
"How dare you speak to me in such a manner?" Though she tried to appear severe her voice quavered. Then she took hold of Kao's sleeve. "You do not think that our Emperor is in danger?"
"Why then has An Lu-shan sent you his sword?" She swayed and would have fallen, but he caught her and led her to a chair. He ordered a eunuch to bring wine to refresh her, and perfume strong enough to blot out unpleasant thoughts. Why had he permitted matters to get out of hand? The incident hardly necessitated such harsh statements. When had An Lu-shan, the buffoon, ever done anything that was rational?
In a few minutes, she had herself under control.
"I beseech your pardon," said Kao. "My love of