Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/338

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beyond probability that not only would the Yang family be murdered but the Emperor, himself, as well.

Finally, wearily, he turned to Hung Chow, the jade carver, and the others who were loyal.

"Try to stem violence until morning comes," he pleaded.

"We will do all in our power," declared Hung Chow.

"For the Brilliant Emperor," added the half-drunk painter.

The farmer clutched a strong club in his gnarled hands.

All the others signified that they were ready and willing to follow orders, to die, if necessary, to hold back the rabble.


Yang Kuei-fei and Ming Huang had retired to a small tea-house some distance from the troops, where they could rest and dine in quietude. But still the discordant drone of voices drifted to their ears. Ming Huang sensed that trouble was brewing. However, he said nothing to Yang Kuei-fei.

The tea-master was grateful for the opportunity to serve his Emperor. And because the tea was served with tenderness and devotion it was of a rare taste, for there is no beverage of earth that is so susceptible to environment and mood.

It was of a fragrant, soul-cleansing aroma. Yang Kuei-fei sipped it eagerly but for the Emperor its taste was contaminated by the bitterness of his thoughts.