When Kao entered with bloodless face, he was disturbed but not surprised.
"Come, join us, Kao," he urged, "in a cup of tea."
"It is of a divine flavor," added Yang Kuei-fei.
Kao sat down in a chair which the tea-master brought for him.
"My Emperor," he whispered through dry lips, "may I speak?"
"Freely, Elder Brother."
"Would that heaven would split my tongue so that I need never utter the words I must!"
"Why, Kao," said Yang Kuei-fei amazed, "you are frightened."
"Speak, Kao," the Emperor directed. "What is the message?"
"For the second time there is revolt among your troops."
The Emperor sighed. "I feared as much. What are their demands?"
"Beyond reason."
"They cannot desire my abdication since already I have left my throne and fled from the Capital."
"It is not that, Your Majesty."
"What then?"
"I lack the courage to divulge such monstrous news in the presence of Yang Kuei-fei!"
"How can it concern her?" asked Ming Huang.
"What concerns my Emperor, concerns me," she said softly.
Kao was thankful that the tea-master had set a pot