Page:Frank Packard - On the Iron at Big Cloud.djvu/20

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tecting roof. The walls were adorned with such works of art as are afforded by the Sunday supplements, interspersed here and there with an occasional blue-print and time schedule. The furnishings bore unmistakable evidence of having seen service with the construction staff when the road was in the making. At the right of the door, as Holman entered, the despatcher was poring over the train sheet.

"Sure," said he in answer to Holman's inquiry, "that's the super over there."

Holman crossed the room and proffered his credentials.

"Glad you've come," was Carleton's greeting, as he rose and extended his hand. "We've been expecting you. Williams went East this morning on Number Two. Sit down. That's your desk there."

Holman glanced at the battered table toward which the other pointed, then back again to the four days' growth on the super's face.

Carleton grinned. "Fixings aren't up to what you boiled-shirt fellows down East are used to. Out here on the firing line most anything goes. I've been requisitioning office fixtures for months. Ain't seen any way-bill of them yet, Davis, have you?" he called across to the despatcher.

Davis got up with a laugh and joined the other two, "No," said he, shaking hands with Holman, "not yet."

"And not likely to, either," continued the super. "It's rough and ready out here, Holman. The staff quarters up there," he jerked his thumb toward the