Page:Frank Packard - On the Iron at Big Cloud.djvu/21

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ceiling, "are all-fired crude, and the Chinese cook is a gilt-edge thief and most persuasive liar; but we've got the finest division of the best railroad in the world, and we're pushing stuff through the mountains on a schedule that makes Southern competition sick. We're young here yet. Some day, when the roadbed's shaken down to stay, we'll build the extras."

The enthusiasm and bluff heartiness of the super was contagious. Holman put out his hand impulsively. "We've heard a lot of you fellows down East," he said, "and I'm glad 'I've got a chance to chip in." His eyes swept around the room and came back to meet the super's smilingly. "Even if accommodations are below 'Tourist Class,'" he added.

So Holman came to the division and joined the staff. Spence, chief dispatcher, had shaken his head. "Twenty-eight and locomotive foreman of this division with the roughest, toughest bunch on the system's pay-roll to handle! Hanged if he isn't a decent sort, though, even if he will shave and wear collars. Imagine Williams with creased trousers! And say, his wardrobe—he's actually got a dress suit with him! Wouldn't that ground the wires! Who is he, Carleton? Got a pull with the Old Man?"

"Didn't inquire," returned Carleton bluntly. "Let him try out."

If the super waited before passing judgment on the latest addition to the staff of the Hill Division, the shop hands did likewise—but for another reason. They waited for Rafferty. Rafferty was boss. Who Rafferty's boss was, was his affair, and it did not con-