Page:Free Opinions, Freely Expressed on Certain Phases of Modern Social Life and Conduct.djvu/80

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All this, however, has nothing to do with the Christian faith as Christ Himself expounded it in His own commands. Quarrels and dissensions are as far from the teaching of the Divine Master as an earth's dusthole is from the centre of the sun. Differences of dogma are not approved in His eyes. Whether candles shall, or shall not, be set on the altar, whether incense shall, or shall not, be burnt, may be said to relegate to the "cleansing of the outside of the cup and platter," and are not a vital part of His intention—for He has nothing but condemnation for "forms" and "ceremonies." There is something both strange and unnatural in the provocative spirit which is at present being exercised by professing rulers of the Church of England against one another; and another matter too for deep regret is the attitude of favour maintained by certain political ministers, towards the practice of an almost theatrical display in the form of English Christian services. The various appointments of High Churchmen to important bishoprics shows the tendency towards extravagant ritualism; certainly the more simple and unaffected men of pure taste and dignity in Church ritual get little chance of encouragement; and that the path is being prepared for a second Cromwell is only too evident. It is lamentable indeed that any discussions should arise between the different sects as to "forms and ceremonies," and those who excite fanatical hatreds by their petty quarrels over unimportant "shows" and observances, are criminally to blame for any evils that are likely to ensue. What Christ commands is "Love one another";—what He desires is that all mankind