Page:Free Opinions, Freely Expressed on Certain Phases of Modern Social Life and Conduct.djvu/81

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should be friends and brothers in His Name. And it is from this point of view that I again ask the question of those who may have glanced through this paper—Do you believe, or do you not believe? Are you a Christian? Or a SECTARIAN? The one is not the other.

For my own part I would desire to see all the Sects cease their long quarrel,—all "dogmas" dropped—and all creeds amalgamated into one great loving family under the name of Christ. I should like to see an end to all bigotry, whether of Protestantism against Romanism, or Romanism against Protestantism,—a conclusion to all differences—and one Universal Church of simple Love and Thanksgiving, and obedience to Christ's own commands. "Temporal power" should be held as the poor thing which it is, compared to Spiritual power,—for Spiritual power, according to the Founder of the Christian Faith, is the transcendent force of Love—love to God and love to man,—"that perfect love which casteth out fear," and which, being "born of God, cannot rest but in God above all created things."

Thus it follows—That if we hate or envy or slander any person, we are not Christians.

If we prefer outward forms of religious ceremonial to the every-day practice of a life lived as closely as possible in accordance with the commands laid down for us in the Gospel, we are not Christians.

If we love ourselves more than our neighbours, we are not Christians.

If we care for money, position, and the ostentation attending these things, more than truth, simplicity and plain dealing, we are not Christians.