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[Chap. VIII.

275. Our next example, also in three parts, shows augmentation of the subject, as well as inversion.

J. S. Bach. Wohltemperirtes Clavier, Fugue 8.

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
  \new Staff \relative e' { \key dis \minor \time 4/4 \partial 2
    eis4 r8 bis' | cisis dis eis4 ~ eis8 dis cis16 b cis fisis |
    gis ais b4 ais16 gis ais8 dis, eis fisis |
    gis4 r \[ ais^"S (inverted)" dis, ~ | dis8 b cis dis eis dis cis4 |
    gis' dis ~ dis8 eis fisis4 | gis8 \] ais gis fis eis dis gis4 ~ |
    gis8 fis eis fis16 gis ais gis ais4 gis16 fis |
    eis8 fis4 eis8 fis[ \[ cis]^"S" fis4 ~ |
    fis8 gis fis e dis e fis4 |
    b, e ~ e8 dis cis4 | b \] e ~ e8 cisis dis4 }
  \new Staff \relative c' { \clef alto \key dis \minor
    cisis8[ \[ eis]^"S" ais4 ~ | ais8 b! ais gis fis gis ais4 |
    dis, gis ~ gis8 fisis eis e |
    dis \] b' ais gis fisis dis16 eis fis8 gis16 ais |
    b4. ais8 gis fisis gis ais | dis, eis fisis gis ais16 b cis4 b16 ais
    b4 r \[ gis2^"S (augmented)" | cis2. dis4 | cis b ais b |
    cis2 fis, | b2. ais4 | gis2 fis4 \] b }
  \new Staff \relative a, { \clef bass \key dis \minor
    ais4 r | \[ ais'2^"S (augmented)" dis ~ | dis4 e dis cis |
    b cis dis2 | gis, cis ~ | cis4 b ais2 \]
    gis4^"S" cis ~ cis8 dis cis b | ais b cis4 fis, b ~ |
    b8 ais gis4 fis8 e dis16 cis dis e |
    ais,8 fis gis ais b cis dis e16 fis |
    gis8 ais16 b cis,8 dis16 e fis,8 fis'4 fisis8 |
    gis fisis gis ais b ais gis fis } >>