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"Drive faster,—faster still," she continually said, to shew her courage. Alas! real courage delights not in parade; but anything that had the appearance of risk or danger, delighted Calantha. "Damn it, how Alice pulls." "Alice!" said Calantha. "Oh hang it; don't talk of that. Here's Will Rattle, let me speak to him; and Dick, the boxer's son. Do you mind stopping? Not in the least." Saying which they pulled in, as Buchanan termed it; and a conversation ensued, which amused Calantha extremely. "How soon shall you be off?" said Will Rattle, as they prepared to drive on.—"It's a devilish bore staying in London now," replied Buchanan: "only I've been commanded to stay," saying which he smiled, and turned to Lady Avondale, "or I should have been with my regiment before this. The moment I am released, however, I shall go there.—Hope to see you to-night, Will. Mind and bring Charles Turner.—There's a new play.