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Oh I forgot:—perhaps I shan't be let off; shall I? "No," replied Calantha, extremely pleased at this flattering appeal. Will bowed with conceit, and off they galloped, Buchanan repeating as they went, "A damned strange fellow that—cleverer than half the people though, who make such a noise. I saved his life once in an engagement. Poor Will, he's so grateful, he would give all he has for me,—I'll be d. . . .d if he would not." Let this suffice. The drive was not very long; and, the danger of being overturned excepted, utterly devoid of interest.

Lady Dartford had returned to town. Perhaps no one ever heard that she had left it: like the rose leaf upon the glass full of water, her innocent presence made not the slightest difference, nor was her absence at any time observed. She, however, called upon Calantha, a few moments after Buchanan had taken her home. Lady Avondale was with her lord, in the library when she came.