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She turned to him, she saw that face whose every feature was engraved deep in her very heart—that smile of sweetness—that calm serenity, she had not power to speak—to think; and yet recovering from this strange enchantment,—"How could you betray me?" she said. I judge you not, but I can never feel either interest, or friendship again." "Yet," said Glenarvon gravely, "I need both at this time, for I am miserable and ill too, only I do not wish to excite your compassion by these arts, and I had rather die unforgiven, than use any towards you."

"Wherefore did you betray me?" "Can you ask? I was deeply wounded. It is not enough for me that you love me, all must, and shall know it. I will make every sacrifice for you—run every risk: but every risk and every sacrifice must be shared." "Whatever my feelings may be," she answered coldly, "you shall never subdue me again. I may be