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infatuated, but I will never be criminal—You may torture me as you please, if you have the power over me which you imagine, but I can bear torture, and none ever yet subdued me."

"Calantha," said Lord Glenarvon, taking her hand firmly, and smiling half scornfully, "you shall be my slave. I will mould you as I like; teach you to think but with my thoughts, to act but with my feelings, you shall wait nor murmur—suffer, nor dare complain—ask, and be rejected—and all this, I will do, and you know it, for your heart is already mine." "If I forgive you," she cried, "If you do not" he said, approaching nearer. "I never will." "And 'till you do, though your whole family should enter, I will kneel here—here, even at your feet." "You think to menace me." "I know my empire. Take off those ornaments: replace what I have given you: this too you shall wear," he said, throwing a chain around her,