Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/280

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A GLOBSABT OF DKV0N8HIBE PLAITT NAMES. 11 not content with robbing the Scotchman of his names, or applying them to his flowers; we must be original, and so we give the name to (2) Hyacinthua nonscripktSf L., or ScUla nutans, Sm., different names only for one and the same plant (Britten, p. 53 ; Lankes- ter's WHd Flowers, pi 136.) But confusion becomes worse con- founded when you hear the name applied to the Periwinkle. See also HarkbbtiTi, White Blubbbll. (3) Vinca major, L. This is a misappropriation of the next term. Blue Button& A name which is given to various blue flowers with round heads. (Britten, p. 54.) (1) Vinca major, L., around Chudleigh and elsewhere, but sometimes called BluebelL" (2) Vinca minor, L. "In this neighbourhood (Ivybridge) I have heard childrmi call Vinca minor 'Blue Buttons.'" (F. B. Doveton, in Wesiem Aniiquary, L p. 114.) Blub Violbt, Viola sylvoHca, Fries., and Viola odorata, L. Boors AMD Shobs, (1) Lotus cormculatas, L., Bird's-foot Trefoil (2) Cypripedium Calceolus, L., often called " Lady's-slipper." See Lady^s Boots. BoBDEBiNO, Alysmm mantimum, L., and other plants used for borders. (Cf. Edoinq.) Bouncing Bbss, (1) Gentranlhus ruber, DC, or Valeriana rvhra, L. The £ev. Treasurer Hawker last year remarked that he had heard this name in North Devon ; while Mr. Pengelly has an in- teresting note on it in Trans. Devon, Assoc, x. p. 120. (2) Valeriana Celtica, L. The white variety (Mr. Pengelly loc, cit), also called Delicate Bbss, which see. Bovisand Soldibb, Valeriana rubra, L., or Centranthus ruber, DC. Bovisand is a locality in the neighbourhood of Plymouth, where the plant grows freely. The name is of course quite local Bowhill. Name of a kind of apple. Boy's Love, Artemisia Abrotanum, L. A common name in other parts of England. " From an ointment made with its ashes being used by young men to promote the growth of a beard." (Prior, p. 27 ; Britten, p. 61 ; Flowers and their Teachings, pp. 135, 141. Cf, Lad's Love, Maiden's Euin.) Bbake, Pteris aquilina, L., and other large ferns, as elsewhere. (Earle, pp. 50, 58.) Bread, Cuckoo's, (1) Oxalis Acetosella, L., or Wood Sorrel (2) Cardamine pratensis, L., usually known in Devon as Milky Maids, &c (Britten, p. 63.) Bread and Cheese, (1) the young leaves of Whitethorn (Cratcegus Oxyacantha, L.). A name common nearly all over £ngland. Children are very fond of eating the young shoots, buds, or leaves. (2) Oxalis Acetosella, L. See above.