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Volume, 1.000
Mass (Sun's = 1), 0.0000028173
Density (water = 1), 5.6747
Diameter, mean, in miles, 7916
Diameter— — — polar, in miles, 7898
Diameter— — — equatorial, in miles, 7924
Circumference in miles, 25,000
In one second of time bodies fall, latitude of London, in feet, 16.835
Centrifugal force at equator (gravity = 1), 0.00346
Times rotation requires to be increased to neutralise gravity at equator, 17
Period of rotation in sidereal hours, 24
Length of a mean solar day in sidereal time, 24h. 3m.- 56s..55
Length of a— — — sidereal day in mean solar time, 23h. 56m. 4s.09
Daily acceleration of sidereal time in mean solar time, 3m. 55s..09
Greatest difference between the mean and apparent solar time, 16m. 16s.
Greatest height of mountains in miles, 5
Axis of the poles (axis of diameter of equator = 305), 304
Greatest depth of ocean in miles, 9
Mean distance from the Sun (Earth's radius = 1), 23,984
Mean distance from the Sun— — — in miles, 95,000,000
Distance at perihelion (mean distance = 1), .9832
distance at— — — aphelion (mean distance = 1), . 1.0168
Eccentricity (semi-major axis = 1), 0.016783568
Sidereal revolution in mean solar days. 365d. 6h. 9m. 9s..6
Anomalistic revolution in mean solar days. 365d. 6h. 13m. 49s.
Tropical revolution in mean solar days, 365d. 5h. 48m. 49s..7
Interval between vernal and autumnal equinoxes, 186d. 11h. 34m.
Interval between autumnal and vernal equinoxes, 178d. 18h. 7m.