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The latter shorter than the former, by 7d. 17h. 27s.
Time required by Sun's light to reach the Earth, 8m. 13s..3
Constant of aberration, 20″.36
Average horizontal refraction, 33′ 6
Average refraction at 45° of altitude, 57″
Height of atmosphere in miles, 40
Height of atmosphere, supposing no decrease of density, 5
Greatest height at which clouds exist, in miles, 10
Distance to which a body must be projected horizontally to revolve as a satellite, in miles, 4.35
Action of the Moon on the tides (Sun's = 1), 3
Daily mean retardation of high-water, 50m. 28s.
Mean retardation in syzygies, 39m. 12s.
Mean retardation in quadratures, 1h. 14n. 58s.
Revolution of the Sun's perigee in mean solar days, 7,645,793
Mean longitude of perigee, 100° 30′10″
Earth's motion in perihelion in a mean solar day, 1° 1′ 9″
Mean motion in a mean solar day, 59′ 8″.33
Mean Motion— — — in a sidereal day, 59′ 58″.64
Motion in aphelion in a mean solar day, 57′ 11″.50
Mean longitude of perihelion, 90° 30′ 5″
Annual motion of perihelion, 11″.8
Same referred to the ecliptic, 1° l″.9
Tropical revolution of perihelion in mean solar years, 20,984
Obliquity of the ecliptic, 23° 27′ 56″.5
Annual diminution of obliquity, 0″.457
Limit of variation, 2° 42′
Nutation lunar, semi-axis major of the ellipse, 9″.4
Nutation— — — solar, maximum, 0″.493
Luni-solar precession of the equinoxes, annual, 50″.41
Planetary precession, 0″.31
General precession, 50″.11
Complete revolution of the equinoxes in years, 25,868
Lunar nutation in longitude, 17″.579
Solar nutation in longitude, 1″.137