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they who meditate are often recreated, except a prompt alacrity of the mind to do well be thereunto adjoined; especially, seeing it sometimes happeneth, the one to be found without the other, Almighty God so disposing for the trial of his servants. Though I cannot deny, but that these consolations do often proceed from devotion and promptitude of the mind to do well, and, on the contrary, the true devotion is not a little augmented by the same consolations and spiritual gusts; and, therefore, the servants of God may lawfully desire and ask them, not for the delight they bring with them, but because they do greatly increase devotion, which maketh us, with alacrity, to apply ourselves to virtuous actions, which the kingly prophet tesfifieth of himself saying, "Viam mandatormn tuorum cucurri, cum dilatasti cor meum:" " I have run the ways of thy commandments when thou hast enlarged my heart," that is, when thou hast recreated me with the sweetness of thy consolations, which are the cause of this my readiness.

Now let us treat of the means, whereby this virtue is to be attained unto, which will bring no small profit with it, for, seeing it is the spur to all other virtues, to set down the means whereby it is to be obtained, is no other thing, than to prescribe the means to get all other virtues.