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in greater meaſure haue expreſſed their owne loue, and ſupplied our neceſſities, for which they ſorrowed, prouoking one another to the vtmost of their abilities: which although it were not much amongſt ſo many people as were at the Plantation, yet through the prouident and diſcreet care of the Gouernours, recouered and preſerued ſtrength till our owne crop on the ground was ready.

Hauing diſpatched there, I returned home with all ſpeed conuenient, where I found the ſtate of the Colonie much weaker than when I left it: for till now wee were neuer without ſome bread, the want whereof much abated the ſtrength and fleſh of ſome, and ſwelled others. But here it may be ſaid, if the Country abound with Fiſh and Fowl in ſuch meaſure as is reported, how could men vndergoe ſuch meaſure of hardneſſe, except through their owne negligence? I anſwer; Euery thing muſt be expected in its proper ſeaſon. No man, as one ſaith, will goe into an Orchard in the Winter to gather Cherries: ſo hee that looks for Fowle there in the Summer, will be deceiued in his expectation. The time they continue in plenty with vs, is from the beginning of October to the end of March: but theſe extremities befell us in May and Iune. I confeſſe that as the Fowle decreaſe, ſo Fiſh increaſe. And indeed their exceeding abundance was great cauſe of increaſing our wants. For though our Bay and Creekes were full of Baſſe, and other fiſh, yet for want of fit and ſtrong Saynes, and other netting, they for the moſt part brake thorow and carried all away before them. And though the Sea were full of Cod, yet wee had neither tackling nor harſeis for our Shallops. And indeed had wee not beene in a place where diuers ſorts of ſhell-fiſh are that may be taken with the hand, wee muſt haue periſhed, vnleſſe God had rai-