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ſed ſome vnknowne or extraordinary meanes for our preſeruation.

In the time of theſe ſtreits (indeed before my going to Munhiggen) the Indians began againe to caſt forth many inſulting ſpeeches, glorying in our weakneſſe, and giuing out how eaſie it would be ere long to cut vs off. Now alſo Maſſaſſowat ſeemed to frowne on vs, and neither came or ſent to vs as formerly. Theſe things occaſioned further thoughts of Fortification: And whereas wee haue a Hill called the Mount, incloſed within our pale, vnder which our Towne is ſeated, wee reſolued to erect a Fort thereon, from whence a few might eaſily ſecure the Towne from any aſſault the Indians can make, whileſt the reſt might be imployed as occaſion ſerued. This worke was begun with great eagerneſſe, and with the approbation of all men, hoping that this being once finiſhed, and a continuall guard there kept, it would vtterly diſcourage the Sauages from hauing any hopes or thoughts of riſing againſt vs. And though it tooke the greateſt part of our ſtrength from dreſſing our corne, yet (life being continued) we hoped God would raiſe ſome meanes in ſtead thereof for our further preſeruation.

In the end of Iune, or beginning of Iuly, came into our harbour two ſhips of Maſter Weſtons aforeſaid, the one called the Charitie, the other the Swan, hauing in them some fifty or ſixty men ſent ouer at his owne charge to plant for him. Theſe we receiued into our Towne, affording them whatſoeuer curteſie our meane condition could afford. There the Charitie, being the bigger ſhip, left them, hauing many paſſengers which ſhee was to land in Virginia. In the meane time, the body of them refreſhed themſelues at Plimoth, whileſt ſome moſt fit ſought out a place for them. That little ſtore of corne wee had,