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high on the ſhore by ſtreſſe of weather, right before his dwelling, that till the tides encreaſed, ſhee could not be got off. Now it being a commendable manner of the Indians, when any (eſpecially of note) are dangerouſly ſicke, for all that profeſſe friendſhip to them, to viſit them in their extremitie, either in their perſons, or elſe to ſend ſome acceptable perſons to them, therefore it was thought meet (being a good and warrantable action) that as wee had euer profeſſed friendſhip, ſo wee ſhould now maintaine the ſame, by obſeruing this their laudable cuſtome: and the rather, because wee deſired to haue ſome conference with the Dutch, not knowing when wee ſhould haue ſo fit an opportunitie. To that end my ſelfe hauing formerly beene there, and vnderſtanding in ſome meaſure the Dutch tongue, the Gouernour againe laid this ſeruice vpon my ſelfe, and fitted mee with ſome cordials to adminiſter to him, hauing one Maſter Iohn Hamden a Gentleman of London (who then wintered with vs, and deſired much to ſee the Countrey) for my Conſort, and Hobbamock for our guide. So wee ſet forward, and lodged the firſt night at Namasket, where wee had friendly entertainment. The next day about one of the clocke, we came to a ferrie in Conbatants Countrey, where vpon diſcharge of my peece, diuers Indians came to vs from a houſe not farre off. There they told vs, that Maſſaſſowat was dead, and that day buried, and that the Dutch would be gone before we could get thither, hauing houe off their ſhip already. This newes ſtrucke vs blancke: but eſpecially Hobbamock, who deſired we might returne with all ſpeed. I told him I would firſt thinke of it, conſidering now that hee being dead, Conbatant was the moſt like to ſucceed him, and that we were not aboue three miles from Mattapuyſt his dwelling place, although hee were but a hollow-hearted friend towards vs, I thought no time ſo fit as this, to enter into more friendly termes with him, and the reſt of the Sachims thereabout, hoping (through the bleſſing of God) it would be a meanes in that vnſettled ſtate, to ſettle their affections towards vs, and though it were