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ſomewhat dangerous, in reſpect of our perſonall ſafetie, becauſe my ſelfe and Hobbamock had beene imployed vpon a ſeruice againſt him, which he might now fitly reuenge, yet eſteeming it the beſt meanes, leauing the euent to God in his mercie, I reſolued to put it in practiſe, if Maſter Hamden and Hobbamock durſt attempt it with mee, whom I found willing to that or any other courſe might tend to, the generall good. So we went towards Mattapuyſt. In the way, Hobbamock manifeſting a troubled ſpirit, brake forth into theſe ſpeeches, Neen womaſu Sagimus, neen womaſu Sagimus, &c. My louing Sachim, my louing Sachim, Many haue I knowne, but neuer any like thee: And turning him to me ſaid; Whileſt I liued, I ſhould neuer ſee his like amongſt the Indians, ſaying, he was no lyer, he was not bloudy and cruell like other Indians; In anger and paſſion he was ſoone reclaimed, eaſie to be reconciled towards ſuch as had offended him, ruled by reaſon in ſuch meaſure, as he would not ſcorne the aduice of meane men, and that he gouerned his men better with few ſtrokes than others did with many; truly louing where he loued; yea he feared we had not a faithfull friend left among the Indians, ſhewing how he oft-times reſtrained their malice, &c. continuing a long ſpeech with ſuch ſignes of lamentation and vnfeigned ſorrow, as it would haue made the hardeſt heart relent. At length we came to Mattapuyſt, and went to the Sachimo Comaco (for ſo they call the Sachims place, though they call an ordinarie houſe Witeo) but Conbatant the Sachim was not at home, but at Puckanokick, which was ſome fiue or ſix miles off; the Squa-ſachim (for ſo they call the Sachims wife) gaue vs friendly entertainment. Here wee inquired againe concerning Maſſaſſowat, they thought him dead, but knew no certainty; whereupon I hired one to goe with all expedition to Puckanokick, that we might know the certainty thereof, and withall to acquaint Conbatant with our there being. About halfe an houre before Sunne-ſetting, the meſſenger returned, and told vs that he was not yet dead, though there was no hope