Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/135

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xvii, 14]
Secundum Iohannem

ac for þā þe ðū mē sealdest, for þām hī synt þīne;[1]

10. and ealle mīne synt þīne, and þīne synt mīne; and ic eom geswutelod on him.[2]

11. And nū ic ne eom on middanearde, and hī synt on middanearde, and ic cume tō ðē.

Ðys godspel gebyrað on wōdnesdæg on þǣre fēorþan wucan ofer ēastron.

On ðǣre tīde sē Hǣlend behēold his leorningcnihtas, and cwæð, Hāliga Fæder, heald on ðīnum naman þæt þū mē sealdest, þæt hi sȳn ān, swā wyt synt.[3]

12. Þā ic wæs mid him, ic hēold hī on þīnum naman; ic hēold þā þe þū mē sealdest, and ne forwearð hyra nān, būton forspillydnysse bearn; þæt þæt hālige gewrit sȳ gefylled.[4]

13. Nu ic cume tō þē; and ðās þing ic sprece on middanearde, þæt hī habbon mīnne gefēan gefyllydne on him sylfon.[5]

14. Ic sealde him þīne sprǣce; and middaneard hī hæfde on hatunge, for þām hī ne synt of middanearde, swā ic ēac ne eom of middanearde.[6]

  1. A, synd.
  2. Corp., B, C, and ealle þine synt mine, and þine synt mine (in B the scribe attempted to correct the mistake by interchanging the initial letters of the second þine and mine), A, and ealle mine synd þyne, and þyne synd myne.
  3. All MSS., com (for eom); A, synd; A, halega; A, synd.
  4. A, forweorð heora; A, forspyllednysse.
  5. A, gefylledne; A, sylfum.
  6. A, hatunga; A, synd; B, C, neom (for ne eom).