Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/140

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[xviii, 21-

spræc openlīce tō middanearde, and ic lǣrde symble on gesomnunge, and on temple, þār ealle Iudeas tōgædere cōmon; and ic ne spæc nān þing dīgelīce.[1]

21. Hwī āxast ðū mē? āxa þā þe gehȳrdon hwæt ic tō him spræc; hī witon þā ðing þe ic him sǣde.[2]

22. Ðā hē þis cwæð, þā slōh ān ðǣra þēna þe ðār stōdon ðone Hǣlend mid his handa, and cwæð, Andswarast ðū swā þām bisceope?[3]

23. Sē Hǣlend andswarode him and cwæð, Gif ic yfele spræc, cȳð gewittnysse be yfele; gif ic wel spræc, hwī bēatst þū mē?[4]

24. Ðā sende Annas hine tō þām bisceope gebundene.[5]

25. And Symon Petrus stōd and wyrmde hync. Ðā cwǣdon hī tō him, Cwyst þū eart þū of his leorningcnihton? Hē wiðsōc, and cwæð, Ic ne eom.[6]

26. Ðā cwæð ān ðæs bisceopas þēowena, hys cūða þæs ēare slōh Petrus of, Hū ne geseah ic ðē on ðām wyrtūne mid hym?[7]

  1. Corp., B, C, sprece, A, sprece (corrected to spræc); A, B, C, symle; A, gesamnunge; A, þær; A, B, C, spræc.
  2. A, acsast; A, acsa; A, biscope.
  3. A, þegna; Corp., B, C, ðæne, A, þone; A, biscope.
  4. All MSS. spræce (twice); A, gewytnesse; B, C, well.
  5. A, gebundenne.
  6. A, -cnyhtum.
  7. A, geseh, B, geseah (ge above the line); A, wyrttune.