Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/92

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[viii, 44-

44. Gē synt dēofles bearn, and gē wyllaþ wyrcean ēowres fæder willan. Hē wæs fram frymþe manslaga, and hē ne wunode on sōðfæstnesse, for ðām þe sōðfæstnes nis on him. Ðonne he sprycð lēasunga, hē sprycþ of him sylfum, for þām þe hē is lēas and his fæder ēac.[1]

45. Witodlīce gē ne gelȳfað mē, for þām þe ic secge ēow sōdfæstnysse.[2]

Ðis godspel gebyrað on sunnandæg on þǣre fiftan wucan innan lenctene.

46. Hwylc ēower āscunað mē for synne? Gif ic sōð secge, hwī ne gelȳfe gē mē?[3]

47. Sē þe is of Gode gehȳrð [Godes] word; for þig gē ne gehȳrað, for þām þe gē ne synt of Gode.[4]

48. Witodlīce þā Iudeas andswaredon and cwǣdon tō him, Hwi ne cweþe wē wel þæt ðū eart Samaritanisc, and eart wōd?[5]

49. Sē Hǣlend andswarude and cwæð, Ne eom ic wōd; ac ic ārwurþige mīnne Fæder, and gē unārwurðedon mē.[6]

50. Witodlīce ne sēce ic mīn wuldor; sē is þe sēcð and dēmð.

  1. A, synd; A, B, C, wyrcan.
  2. A, secge soðfæstnysse eow (changed order); B, C, soðfæstnesse.
  3. A, Swylc corrected to Hwylc.
  4. Corp., B, C, om. godes, A, godes; A, synd.
  5. A, eart þu wod.
  6. A, B, C, andswarode; A, arweorðige; A, unarweorðodon, B, unarwurðodon, C, unarwurþodon.