Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/97

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ix, 31]
Secundum Iohannem

23. For þām cwǣdon his māgas, Hē hæfþ ylde; āxiað hine sylfne.[1]

24. Đā clypodon hig eft þone mann þe ǣr blind wæs, and cwǣdon tō him, Sege Gode wuldor; wē witon þæt hē is synful.[2]

25. And hē cwæð, Gif hē synful is, þæt ic nāt; ān þing ic wāt, þæt ic wæs blind, and þæt ic nū gesēo.[3]

26. Đā cwǣdon hig tō him, Hwæt dyde hē þē? hū ontȳnde hē þīne ēagan?

27. Hē andswarode him and cwæð, Ic ēow sǣde ǣr, and gē gehȳrdon; hwī wylle gē hyt eft gehȳran? cweðe gē wylle gē bēon his leorningcnihtas?[4]

28. Þā wyrigdon hig hine, and cwǣdon, Sī þū his leorningcniht; wē synt Moyses leorningcnihtas.[5]

29. Wē witon þæt God spæc wiþ Moyses; nyte wē hwanon þēs is.[6]

30. Sē man andswarode and cwæð tō him, Þæt is wundorlīc þæt gē nyton hwanon hē is, and hē untȳnde mīne ēagan.[7]

31. Wē witon sōþlīce þæt God ne gehȳrþ synfulle; ac gif hwā is Gode gecoren, and his willan wyrcð, þone hē gehȳrð.

  1. A, acsiað.
  2. A, clypedon; A, B, C, man.
  3. B, synfull.
  4. C, andswarude; A, -cyhtas.
  5. B, C, wyrgdon.
  6. A, spræc wyð moysen; A, hwanen.
  7. B, C, mann; A, hwanen.