Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/160

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Secundum Mattheum

14. And gyf sē dēma þiss geāxað, wē lǣrað hyne, and gedōð ēow sorhlēase.[1]

15. Đā onfēngon hig þæs fēos, and dydon eall swā hig gelǣrede wǣron; and þis word wæs gewīdmǣrsod mid Iudeum oð þisne andweardan dæg.[2]

Đis [godspel] sceal on frīgedæg innan þǣre ēasterwucan.

16. Đā fērdon þā endlufun leorningcnihtas on þone munt þǣr sē Hǣlynd heom dihte,[3]

17. and hyne þǣr gesāwun, and hig tō him geēaðmēddun; witodlīce sume hig twēonedon.[4]

18. Đā genēalǣhte sē Hǣlynd, and spræc tō heom þās þing and þuss cwæð, Mē is geseald ǣlc anweald on heofonan and on eorðan.[5]

19. Farað witodlīce and lǣrað ealle þēoda, and fulligeað hig on naman Fæder, and Suna, and þæs Hālgan Gāstes;[6]

20. and lǣrað þæt hig healdon ealle þā ðing þe ic ēow bebēad. And ic bēo mid ēow ealle dagas oð worulde geendunge. †Amen.[7][8]

  1. A, þys, B, þis; A, geacsað.
  2. B, onfengun; B, dydun; B, wærun; Corp., wurd, A, B, word; B, gewidmærsud; B, andwerdan.
  3. B, ferdun; A, endleofen; A, þar; A, hælend; A, hym, B, him.
  4. A, gesawon; A, geeaðmeddon; B, Witudlice.
  5. A, hælend; A, hym, B, him; A, B, þus; A, heofenan.
  6. B, witudlice; A, fulliað.
  7. B, healdun; A, bead; A, weorlde. Corp., Finit Amen, A, B, amen.
  8. After Finit Amen Corp. has Sit sic hoc hic Interim. Ego ælfricus scripsi hunc librum in monasterio baðþonio & dedi brihtwoldo preposito. Qui scripsit uiuat in pace. in hoc mundo & in futuro scło. & qui legit legator in eternum.