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( 7 )

She ſent for a barber to ſhave her,
and cut off her carroty locks:
So when that the barber had ſhav'd her,
and put on her new-faſhion'd wig,
She was ſuch a comical figure,
ſhe frighten'd a ſow and nine pigs.
Right fal de dal, &c.

Now, all young men of this town,
I'd verily have you take care
of thoſe girls that trip up and down
with their wigs & their nice curled hair:
With an umbrella in their hand,
If it rains, for to cover their gown:
You would take them for Ladies of fortune,
altho they are gilts of the town.
Right fal de dal, &c.

The Batchelor's Pride.

YO U young men and maidens that live in this town.
Pray learn my new faſhion before it goes down,
Then I tell you a ſtory mark what I ſay,
Remember the falſe pads you wear every day.

The young men are alſo ſo frolickſome grown,
They must have a falſe ſhow to give them renown
With falſe curls at their ears if they can prevail,
And the Barber muſt make them of a cows tall.

Miſs Betty cries fetch me the Barber I pray,
for ſure I have ſeen a new faſhion this day
Miss Polly ad Doily, and Sall in ſuit
Muſt have their hair friz'd like the face of a bull.