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( 8 )

Miſs Nancy cries fetch me a halfpenny worth of wire.
With a penny worth of pins to dreſs up my hair;
She must have a falſe curl to make her look big,
And her ears muſt be ring d like the noſe of a pig.

Behold the behavior of theſe female kind,
With their large powdered heads and lappets behind,
They will ſay they have got a ſad pain in their ſide,
When the pox it has catched then and they cannot ſtride.

Then all the whole day in the houſe they will keep,
At night when its dark out of doors they will creep,
To get on odd ſhilling before they go in
They will do it three times for a gill at gin.

There's froſty fac'd Bett with a cull by her ſide,
With a long noſe and chin and a mouth that is wide,
With her hair over her ears to keep up her pride,
She's a nice hackney mare for the devil to ride.

Come all yon young men I would have you be wiſe,
And ſee that you kiſs the young girls that's nice,
For if with the ſtreet walkers you chance to prevalil,
As ſure as you do it they will fire your tail.