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Congradulations to Mark Latham for telling the truth. He is protecting the integrity of women's sport from perverts who claim to be women. Just because a biological male wears a dress, lippy and high heels doesn't make him a biological woman. Women DO NOT want biological males entering their change rooms or toilets or competing against them in sport. it is just an excuse to leer, molest and rape biological women as has happened in the U.S. What part of that statement do you not understand? You must have a particular extreme hatred of women. Given that you are a sodomite - I guess that is understandable. No man should stick his dick up another man's anus. It's akin to sticking your dick into a sewerage pipe. God bless Mark Latham who is one of the few public figures who will support women against perverts. Israel Folau spoke the truth. Unrepentant sodomites will fry in hell like bacon …

(f) An email received at 12:22pm on 3 April 2023:

Greenwich gets his jollies attacking Christians and women and can't stand a few home truths from Mark Latham. Greenwich says Latham is disgusting for defending women in a Church setting. Big and brave, Alex. Try that on Muslims, of course not, they fight back. Latham point out some biological truths about sodomy (albeit crassly) and poor little Alex gets his panties in a knot. What a grubby little two faced coward is Alex Greenwich for crying crocodile tears. If you don't like "truths" about your own depraved habits (yes that is what Rom. 1 calls it) being highlighted then show some respect for other people's beliefs. The Alphabet Mafia started by demanding respect, they now have shown their true colors demanding worship. Well, sorry, Satan is not worthy of worship or his useful idiots and their depraved acts. Boo hoo Alex! Cry me a river, you depraved grub!

(g) An email received at 9:13am on 4 April 2023: "Go back to where u were born and leave our Mark alone,GRUB".
(h) An email received at 2:38pm on 1 May 2023:

Mark Latham's comments are "disgusting", you say.

So, how do you feel about gay sex, involving, as as usually does, contact with feces?

Now, to most people, that really is disgusting.

You'll be glad to hear that I'm reminded of you, Alex, every time I take a shit.

(i) An email received at 1:24pm on 4 May 2023: "You say that Mark Latham is so offensive. Has it ever occurred to you that you are many more times more offensive in the way you force your unnatural, immoral and unclean way of life onto the rest of the population."
(j) At around 1:48pm on 4 May 2023 a Facebook message which said: "Get fkd GROOMER!!!".
(k) An email received at 3:33pm on 5 May 2023:
Dear Mr/Mrs? Greenwich, I just want to make a point regarding the dispute you are currently having with Mark Latham. It appears ( correct me If I'm

Greenwich v Latham [2024] FCA 1050